An obvious approach from offline estimation to recursive (online) estimation is to take any offline method and modify it. Here we show a method of how to modify the offline least squares to recursive least squares.

Linear Difference Equation

\[\begin{align} y(t)+a_1y(t-1) + \dots + a_n y(t-n) = b_1u(t-1)+\dots+b_mu(t-m)+v(t) \label{eq:linear} \end{align}\]

where \(\{u(t)\},\{y(t)\}\) are input and output signals and \(v(t)\) is some disturbance of unspecified character.

Let \(q^{-1}\) be backward shift operator, then

\[A(q^{-1})y(t) = B(q^{-1})u(t) + v(t),\]

where \(A(q^{-1})\) and \(B(q^{-1})\) are polynomials in the delay operator:

\[A(q^{-1}) = 1+a_1q^{-1}+\dots + a_nq^{-n}\\ B(q^{-1}) = 1+b_1q^{-1}+\dots + b_m q^{-m}\]

Introduce the vector of lagged input-output data (regressor),

\[\phi^T(t)=\begin{bmatrix} -y(t-1) &\dots -y(t-n)&u(t-1)&\dots u(t-m) \end{bmatrix}\]

Then, \(~\eqref{eq:linear}\) can be rewritten as


where \(\theta^T=\begin{bmatrix}a_1 & \dots &a_n &b_1 &\dots b_m \end{bmatrix}^T\) is the paramter vector.

If the character of the disturbance term \(v(t)\) is not specified, it is natural to use

\[\hat{y}(t\vert \theta)\triangleq\theta^T\phi(t)\]

as the prediction of \(y(t)\) having observed previous inputs and outputs.

Offline Identification: The least squares

The parameter vector can be estimated from the measurements of \(y(t)\) and \(\phi(t)\) with $$t=1,2,\dots,N$. A common way to choose the estimation is to minimize

\[V_N(\theta)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_1^N \alpha_t[y(t)-\theta^T\phi(t)]^2\]

with respect to \(\theta\) and \(\{\alpha_t\}\) is a sequence of positive numbers allowing to give different weights to different observations. This criterion \(V_N(\theta)\) is quadratic in \(\theta\) and thus it can be minimized analytically,

\[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(N) = \left[ \sum_{1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi(t)^T \right]^{-1} \sum_{1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)y(t), \label{eq:offline_ls} \end{align}\]

where we assume that the inverse exists. It can be written in a recursive fashion. Let

\[\bar{R}(t) = \sum_{1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi(t)^T.\]

Then, from \(\eqref{eq:offline_ls}\), we can get

\[\sum_{1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)y(t) = \bar{R}(t-1)\hat{\theta}(t-1).\]

From the definition of \(\bar{R}(t)\),


Thus \(\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(t) &=\bar{R}^{-1}(t)\left[ \sum_{k=1}^{t-1} \alpha_k\phi(k)y(k) + \alpha_t \phi(t)y(t) \right]\\ &=\bar{R}^{-1}(t)\left[ \bar{R}(t-1)\hat{\theta}(t-1)+ \alpha_t \phi(t)y(t) \right]\\ &=\bar{R}^{-1}(t)\left[ \bar{R}(t)\hat{\theta}(t-1)+ \alpha_t \phi(t)[-\phi^T(t)\hat{\theta}(t-1) + y(t)] \right]\\ &=\hat{\theta}(t-1) + \bar{R}^{-1}(t)\phi(t)\alpha_t[y(t) - \hat{\theta}^T(t-1)\phi(t)] \end{align}\)


\[\bar{R}(t)=\bar{R}(t-1) + \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi^T(t)\]

Sometimes we may prefer to work with

\[R(t) \triangleq \frac{1}{t}\bar{R}(t)\]


\[R(t)=\frac{1}{t} \left [\bar{R}(t-1) + \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi^T(t)\right]=\frac{t-1}{t} R(t-1)+\frac{1}{t}\alpha_t\phi(t)\phi^T(t)\\ =R(t-1) + \frac{1}{t}[ \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi^T(t)-R(t-1) ]\]

In summary, we can write \(\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(t)&=\hat{\theta}(t-1) + \frac{1}{t}R^{-1}(t)\phi(t)\alpha_t [y(t)-\theta^T(t-1)\phi(t)],\\ R(t)&=R(t-1) + \frac{1}{t}[ \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi^T(t)-R(t-1)]. \label{eq:offline_rls1} \end{align}\)

An Equivalent Form: Recursive Least Squares

Equation \(\eqref{eq:offline_rls1}\) is not that suited for computation since a matrix inverse has to be calculated in each time step. It’s more natural to introduce


and update \(P(t)\) directly instead. This can be done by matrix inverse lemma


The proof can be done by multiplying the RHS by $$(A+BCD)$.

Let \(A=P(t-1)$,\)B=\phi(t)$, \(C=\alpha_t\) and \(D=\phi^T(t)\),

\[\begin{align} P(t)&=\left[P^{-1}(t-1)+\phi(t)\alpha_t\phi^T(t) \right]^{-1}\\ &=P(t-1)-P(t-1)\phi(t) \left[ \phi^T(t)P(t-1)\phi(t)+\frac{1}{\alpha_t} \right]^{-1}\phi^T(t)P(t-1)\\ &=P(t-1)-\frac{P(t-1)\phi(t)\phi^T(t)P(t-1)}{1/\alpha_t + \phi^T(t)P(t-1)\phi(t)} \end{align}\]

Now the inversion of a square matrix of dim \(\theta\) is replaced by inversion of a scalar \(\alpha_t\).

Thus the recursive least squares can be written as

\[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(t)&=\hat{\theta}(t-1) + L(t)[y(t) -\hat{\theta}^T(t-1)\phi(t)],\\ L(t)&=\frac{P(t-1)\phi(t)}{1/\alpha_t + \phi^T(t)P(t-1)\phi(t)},\\ P(t)&=P(t-1)-\frac{P(t-1)\phi(t)\phi^T(t)P(t-1)}{1/\alpha_t + \phi^T(t)P(t-1)\phi(t)}. \label{eq:rls} \end{align}\]

Initial Conditions

The only assumption we made is the \(\bar{R}(t)\) is invertible and typically it becomes invertible at time \(t_0=dim~ \phi(t) = dim~\theta\). Thus strictly speaking, the proper initials values for \(\eqref{eq:rls}\) are obtained if starting at the time \(t_0\) for which

\[P(t_0)= \left [ \sum_{k}^{t_0} \alpha_k\phi(k)\phi(k)^T \right ]^{-1} \\ \hat{\theta}(t_0) = P(t_0)\sum_{k}^{t_0}\alpha_k \phi(k)y(k).\]

It is more common to start at \(t=0\) with some invertible matrix \(P(0)\) and a vector $$\hat{\theta}(0)$. Then, the resulting estimates are

\[\hat{\theta}(t) = \left [ P^{-1}(0)+\sum_{k=1}^t \alpha_k\phi(k)\phi^T(k) \right]^{-1}\left [ P^{-1}(0)\hat{\theta}(0)+\sum_{k=1}^t \alpha_k\phi(k)y(k) \right].\]

We can see that the relative importance of the initial values decays over time as the magnitudes of the sums increase. Also, as \(P^{-1}(0)\rightarrow0\), the recursive estimate goes to the offline one. A common choice of initial values is to take \(P(0)=C \cdot I\) and \(\hat{\theta}(0)=0\), where \(C\) is some large constant.

Asymptotic Properties

We assume that the data are generated by

\[y(t) = \theta_\circ \phi(t) + v(t)\]

Inserting this equation to \(\eqref{eq:offline_ls}\),

\[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(N) &= \left[ \sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi(t)^T \right]^{-1} \left \{ \sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\left[\phi(t)\phi^T(t)\theta_\circ+\phi(t)v(t)\right] \right\}\\ &= \theta_\circ + \left[ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi(t)^T \right]^{-1} \frac{1}{N}\sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)v(t) \end{align}\]

According to the law of large numbers, the sum \(\frac{1}{N}\sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)v(t)\) will converge to its expected values as \(N\) goes to infinity. The expected values depend on the correlation between the disturbance term \(v(t)\) and the data vector \(\phi(t)\). It’s zero only when \(v(t)\) and \(\phi(t)\) are uncorrelated. This is true when

  • \(\{v(t)\}\) is i.i.d with zero means
  • \(n=0\) and \(\{u(t)\}\) is independent of the zero-mean noise sequence \(\{v(t)\}\)

In both cases, the \(\hat{\theta}(N)\) approaches to \(\theta_\circ\) as \(N\) goes to infinity.

Interpretations of RLS

\[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(N) &= \left[ \sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi(t)^T \right]^{-1} \left \{ \sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\left[\phi(t)\phi^T(t)\theta_\circ+\phi(t)v(t)\right] \right\}\\ &= \theta_\circ + \left[ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)\phi(t)^T \right]^{-1} \frac{1}{N}\sum_{t=1}^N \alpha_t\phi(t)v(t) \end{align}\]
  1. Beforehand, we have shown that how RLS derived from the offline LS version and \(\hat{\theta}(t) = \left [ P^{-1}(0)+\sum_{k=1}^t \alpha_k\phi(k)\phi^T(k) \right]^{-1}\left [ P^{-1}(0)\hat{\theta}(0)+\sum_{k=1}^t \alpha_k\phi(k)y(k) \right]\)

    With \(P^{-1}(0)=0\), it minimizes the least sqaures criterion

    \[V_t(\theta)=\frac{1}{t}\sum_{k=1}^t \alpha_k[y(k)-\theta^T\phi(k)]^2\]
  2. The estimate \(\hat{\theta}\) can be seen as the Kalman filter state estimate for state-space model \(\theta(t+1) =\theta(t)\\ y(t)=\phi^T(t)\theta(t)+v(t)\)

  3. The RLS is a recursive minimization of \(\bar{V}(\theta)=\mathbb{E}\frac{1}{2}[y(t)-\theta^T\phi(t)]^2.\)

    The factor \(\phi(t)[y(t) -\hat{\theta}^T(t-1)\phi(t)]\) is then an estimate of the gradient while

    \[t\cdot P(t) =\left [ \frac{1}{t} P^{-1}(0)+\sum_{k=1}^t \alpha_k\phi(k)\phi^T(k) \right]^{-1}\]

    is the inverse of an estimate of the second derivate of the criterion. The updating \(\hat{\theta}(t)\) is thus updated with the direction of “Newton” and a decaying step size \(\frac{1}{t}\). More can be found in another blog post “Recursive Least Squares Derived from Stochastic Approximation Approach “.