The users' summary of a general recursive identification method
A general framework
The model set is defined in general terms as a one-step-ahead predictor \(\hat{y}(t \vert \theta)\) that depends on the model parameter vector \(\theta\). This prediction can be formed using a linear finite-dimensional filter acting on the observed input-output data \(\{z(t)\}\)
\[\phi(t+1, \theta) = \mathscr{F}(\theta)\phi(t,\theta) + \mathscr{G}(\theta)z(t)\\ \hat{y}(t\vert \theta) = \mathscr{H}(\theta)\phi(t,\theta).\]There are some particular explaples of model sets
Linear Regression Models \(\hat{y}(t\vert \theta) = \phi^T(t)\theta\)
A General SISO Model: \(A(q^{-1})y(t)=\frac{B(q^{-1})}{F(q^{-1})}u(t)+\frac{C(q^{-1})}{D(q^{-1})}e(t)\)
State-space Models \(x(t+1) = F(\theta)x(t)+G(\theta)u(t)+w(t)\\ y=H(\theta)x(t)+e(t)\)
For the general form, the gradient of \(\hat{y}(t \vert \theta)\) w.r.t \(\theta\), denoted by \(\psi(t,\theta)\) can be computed by means of
\[\begin{align} \label{eq:quad_criterion_with_general_form:start} &\varepsilon(t) = y(t)-\hat{y}(t) \\ &\hat{\Lambda}(t) = \hat{\Lambda}(t-1) + \alpha(t)[\varepsilon(t)\varepsilon^T(t) - \hat{\Lambda}(t-1)]\\ &\hat{\theta}(t) = \left [\hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) R^{-1}(t) \psi(t) \Lambda^{-1} \varepsilon(t)\right ]_{D_\mathscr{M}}\\ &\xi (t+1)= A(\hat{\theta}(t))\xi(t) + B(\hat{\theta}(t))z(t)\\ &\begin{pmatrix} \hat{y}(t) \\ \text{col } \psi(t) \end{pmatrix} = C(\hat{\theta}(t-1)) \xi(t). \label{eq:quad_criterion_with_general_form:end} \end{align}\]Here \(\{\alpha(t)\}\) is a sequence of positive scalars, \(D_\mathscr{M}\) is the projection into the stable model region. \(R(t)\) is a positive definite matrix that modefies the seasrch direction. For example, there are two common choices,
Gauss-Newton direction \(R(t)=R+\gamma\left[ \psi(t)\hat(t){\Lambda(t)}\psi^T(t)-R(t-1). \right]\)
Gradient direction \(\begin{align} R(t) &= r(t)\cdot I\\ r(t) &= r(t-1)+\gamma(t) \left[ \text{tr}\psi(t)\hat{\Lambda(t)}\psi^T(t)-r(t-1) \right] \end{align}\)
The idea between the general form and its update rule is simple
Derive an expression to show how the prediction \(\hat{y}(t \mid \theta)\) depends on the model parameters. Then, derive an expression for the gradient \(\psi(t, \theta)\) of \(\hat{y}(t \mid \theta)\) with respect to \(\theta\). These expressions will result in filters that depend on \(\theta\) and utilize observed data as inputs. Subsequently, \(\hat{y}(t)\) and \(\psi(t)\) are obtained from these expressions by replacing past values \(\hat{y}(t-k \mid \theta)\) and \(\psi(t-k, \theta)\) with \(\hat{y}(t-k)\) and \(\psi(t-k)\), respectively, and by substituting \(\theta\) with its most recent estimate.
The algorithm \(\ref{eq:quad_criterion_with_general_form:start}\sim\ref{eq:quad_criterion_with_general_form:end}\) aims to minizing the quadratic criterion
\[\mathbb{E}\frac{1}{2}\varepsilon(t,\theta)\Lambda_0 \varepsilon(t,\theta)\]where \(\Lambda_0\) is the covariance matrix of the prediction errors. If we instead aim at minimizing the general criterion
\[\mathbb{E} l(\varepsilon(t,\theta)),\]the only difference is that \(\hat{\Lambda}^{-1}(t)\varepsilon(t)\) must be repaced by \(l_\varepsilon^T(\varepsilon(t))\), then the updated version is
\[\hat{\theta}(t) = \left [\hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) R^{-1}(t) \psi(t) l_\varepsilon^T(\varepsilon(t))\right ]_{D_\mathscr{M}}\]Users choice
- Model set \(\mathscr{F},\mathscr{G},\mathscr{H}\)
- Input signal \(\{ u(t)\}\)
- Criterion function \(l\)
- Gain sequence \(\{ \alpha(t)\}\)
- Search direction \(R(t)\)
- Intial conditions \(\hat{\theta}(0), R(0),\dots\)
- \[\dots\]
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