Convergence Analysis of Recursive Sysid - A Heuristic Discussion
Here we consider the basic structure for algorithms related to quadratic criteria
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\varepsilon(t) = y(t)-\hat{y}(t) \\ &R(t) = R(t-1) + \alpha(t)[\eta(t)\Lambda^{-1}(t)\eta^T(t) - R(t-1)]\\ &\hat{\theta}(t) = \left [\hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) R^{-1}(t) \eta(t) \Lambda^{-1} \varepsilon(t)\right ]_{D_\mathscr{M}}\\ &\xi (t+1)= A(\hat{\theta}(t))\xi(t) + B(\hat{\theta}(t))z(t)\\ &\begin{pmatrix} \hat{y}(t+1) \\ \text{col } \eta(t+1) \end{pmatrix} = C(\hat{\theta}(t)) \xi(t+1). \end{aligned} \label{eq:general_form} \end{align}\]where \(\eta(t)\) is a vector related to the gradient of the predition \(\hat{y}(t)\) w.r.t \(\hat{\theta}\), for exawmple \(\psi, \phi, \zeta\) discussed before and \(z(t) = \begin{pmatrix} y(t) \\ u(t) \end{pmatrix}\).
When the criteria is general \(\bar{\mathbb{E}}l(t,\theta,\varepsilon(t,\theta))\), then the algorithm can changed to
\[\begin{align} &R(t) = R(t-1) + \alpha(t) H\left(t, R(t-1),\hat{\theta}(t-1),\varepsilon(t), \eta(t)\right)\\ &\hat{\theta}(t) = \hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) R^{-1}(t) h\left(t,\hat{\theta}(t-1),\varepsilon(t), \eta(t)\right)\\ \end{align}\]where functions \(H\) and \(h\) are related to the criterion function \(l\).
Convergence analysis is in general diffusion. A major reason is the coupling between \(\hat{\theta}(t)\), \(\eta(t)\) and \(\xi(t)\) (like a feedback loop) which makes the mapping from \(z^t\) to \(\hat{\theta}(t)\) complex.
There are several tools for convergence analysis can be used:
- Lyapunov Functions
- Stochastic Approximation
- Martingale Convergence Theorems
- Stabiliy of Differentail Equqations
Here we mainly focus on associating a deterministic differential equation with the recursive algorithm due to its general applicability. The stability of this differential equation can then be analyzed to infer the stability of the recursive algorithm.
An Associated Differential Equation: A Heuristic Discussion
For ufficiently large \(t\), the step size \(\alpha(t)\) will be arbitartily small due to our assumption that \(\alpha(t)\rightarrow 0\) as \(t\rightarrow 0\). Then the estimiates \(\{\hat{\theta}(t)\}\) will change more and more sloowly. Let take a look a this consequences, (Check book (3.51) to (3.54) for details here.)
\[\xi (t)=\sum_{j=0}^{t-1} \prod_{k=j+1}^{t-1}\left [A(\hat{\theta}(k))\right] \xi(t) B(\hat{\theta}(j))z(j) \label{eq:xi_t+1}\]Suppose now that \(\hat{\theta}(k)\) belongs to a small neighborhood of a value \(\bar{\theta}\) for \(t-K \leq k \leq t-1\), such that \(\bar{\theta}\in \mathcal{D}_s\) where \(\forall \theta \in \mathcal{D}_s\), \(A(\theta)\) has all eighven values strictly inside the unit circle. Then, if the neighborhood is small enough, we can write
\[\prod_{k=t-K}^{t-1}A(\hat{\theta}(k)) \approx A(\bar{\theta})^K,\]which has a norm smaller than \(C\cdot \lambda^K\) for some \(\lambda <1\). For large enough \(K\), we may thus approximate \(\eqref{eq:xi_t+1}\) as
\[\xi (t) \approx \sum_{j=0}^{t-1} A(\bar{\theta})^{t-j-1} \xi(t) B(\bar{\theta})z(j)\]Now we can add terms cooresponding to \(A(\bar{\theta})^{t-j-1} \xi(t) B(\bar{\theta})z(j)\) for \(j<t-K\) to this sum. Since \(A(\bar{\theta})\) is stable, this wil only make an arbitarily small change. Then we have
\[\xi (t) \approx \xi (t,\bar{\theta}) \triangleq \sum_{j=0}^{t-1} A(\bar{\theta})^{t-j-1} \xi(t) B(\bar{\theta})z(j)\]Which can be written recursively as
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\xi (t+1,\bar{\theta}) = A(\bar{\theta}) \xi (t,\bar{\theta})+B(\bar{\theta})z(t),\\ &\xi (0,\bar{\theta})=0. \end{aligned} \label{xi_theta_bar} \end{align}\]As a consequence we also have
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} \hat{y}(t) \approx y(t\vert\bar{\theta}), \eta (t)\approx \eta(t,\bar{\theta}),\\ \varepsilon (t)\approx \varepsilon (t,\bar{\theta}) \end{aligned} \label{eq:approximation} \end{align}\]where
\[\begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} y(t\vert\bar{\theta}) \\ \text{col } \eta(t,\bar{\theta}) \end{pmatrix}&=C(\bar{\theta}) \xi(t,\bar{\theta}) ,\\ \varepsilon(t,\bar{\theta})&=y(t)-\hat{y}(t\vert\bar{\theta}) \end{align}\]When \(\hat{\theta}(t)\) is close to \(\bar{\theta}\) and \(R(t)\) is close to \(\bar{R}\) and \(t\) is large we can consequentily use the approximation \(\eqref{eq:approximation}\) to conclude that
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\hat{\theta}(t) \approx \hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) \bar{R}^{-1}(t) \eta(t, \bar{\theta}) \Lambda^{-1} \varepsilon(t,\bar{\theta}), \\ &R(t) = R(t-1) + \alpha(t)\left [\eta(t,\bar{\theta})\Lambda^{-1}(t)\eta^T(t,\bar{\theta}) - \bar{R}\right]\\ \end{aligned} \end{align}\]Introduce the expected values
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} f(\bar{\theta}) \triangleq \mathbb{E}\eta(t, \bar{\theta}) \Lambda^{-1} \varepsilon(t,\bar{\theta}),\\ G(\bar{\theta}) \triangleq \mathbb{E}\eta(t, \bar{\theta}) \Lambda^{-1} \eta^T(t,\bar{\theta}) \end{aligned} \label{eq:f_G} \end{align}\]where expectation is over \(z^t\). Since \(t\) is large, we have neglected the transients in \(\eqref{xi_theta_bar}\) and the RHS of \(\eqref{eq:f_G}\) to be time-invariant. We thus have
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\hat{\theta}(t) \approx \hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) \bar{R}^{-1}(t) f(\bar{\theta}) + \alpha(t) v(t), \\ &R(t) \approx R(t-1) + \alpha(t)\left [G(\bar{\theta}) - \bar{R}\right] + \alpha(t)w(t) \end{aligned} \label{eq_theta_R_approx} \end{align}\]where \(\{v(t)\}\) and \(\{w(t)\}\) are zero-mean random variables.
Let \(\Delta\tau\) be a small number and let \(t, t'\) be defined by
\[\begin{align} \sum_{k=t}^{t'}\alpha(k)=\Delta \tau \label{eq:delta_tau} \end{align}\]If \(\hat{\theta}(t)=\bar{\theta}\) and \(R(t)=\bar{R}\), we then have from \(\eqref{eq_theta_R_approx}\)
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\theta(t')\approx \bar{\theta} + \Delta\tau \bar{R}^{-1} f(\bar{\theta}) + \sum_{k=t}^{t'}\alpha(k) v(k), \\ &R(t') \approx \bar{R} +\Delta\tau\left [G(\bar{\theta}) - \bar{R}\right] + \sum_{k=t}^{t'}\alpha(k)w(k). \end{aligned} \end{align}\]Since \(v(k)\) and \(w(k)\) have zero means, the contribution forom the third terms of RHS will be an order of magnitude less than those from second terms. Therefore
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\theta(t')\approx \bar{\theta} + \Delta\tau \bar{R}^{-1} f(\bar{\theta}) \\ &R(t') \approx \bar{R} +\Delta\tau\left [G(\bar{\theta}) - \bar{R}\right] \end{aligned} \label{eq:t'_approx} \end{align}\]With a change of time scale, according to \(\eqref{eq:delta_tau}\) such that \(t \leftrightarrow \tau\) and \(t' \leftrightarrow \tau +\Delta \tau\), we could regard \(\eqref{eq:t'_approx}\) as a scheme to solve the differential equation with small \(\Delta \tau\),
\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &\frac{d}{d\tau}\theta_D(\tau) = \bar{R}^{-1}f(\theta_D(\tau))\\ &\frac{d}{d\tau}R_D(\tau) =G(\bar{\theta}) - R_D(\tau) \end{aligned} \label{eq:ODE} \end{align}\]Here the subscript \(D\) is used to distinguish the solution of \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\) from the variables in \(\eqref{eq:general_form}\). The chain of arguments suggests that if for some large \(t_0\)
\[\hat{\theta}(t_0) = \theta_D(t_0), R(t_0)=R_D(t_0), \sum_{k=1}^{t_0}\alpha(k)=\tau_0,\]then for \(t>t_0\),
\[\begin{align} \hat{\theta}(t) \approx \theta_D(\tau), R(t_0)\approx R_D(\tau), \sum_{k=1}^{t_0}\alpha(k)= \tau, \label{eq:connect_t_tau} \end{align}\]which can be interpreted as the solution of \(\hat{\theta}(t)\) and \(R(t)\) can be approximiated by the solution of differential equation \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\).
These arguments have of coiurse been entire heuristic. They point, however, to the results \(\eqref{eq:connect_t_tau}\) that asymptotically the algorithm \(\eqref{eq:general_form}\) can be linked to the differential equation \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\). The estmiate should in some sense follow the trajectories of \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\) asymptotically.
The connection between \(\eqref{eq:general_form}\) and \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\).
(A) Suppose \(D_c\) is an invariant set of \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\) and \(D_A\) is its domain of attraction. Then if \(\hat{\theta}(t)\in D_A\) sufficiently often, the estimate will tend to \(D_c\) w.p.1 as \(t\) approaches infinity.
(B) Only stable stationay points of \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\) are possible convergence points for algorithm \(\eqref{eq:general_form}\).
(C) The trajectories \(\theta_D(\tau)\) of \(\eqref{eq:ODE}\) are the “asymptotic paths” of the estimates \(\hat{\theta}(t)\), generated by \(\eqref{eq:general_form}\) .
All above conditions can be proven to be formally correct. See the later post.
The recipe for convergence analysis of \(\eqref{eq:general_form}\)
- Compute the prediction errors \(\varepsilon(t, \theta)\) and gradient approximations \(\eta(t,\theta)\) that would be obtained for a fixed and constant model \(\theta\)
- Evaluate the average updating direction for the algorithm, based on these variables, see \(\eqref{eq:f_G}\)
Define a differential equation that has this direction as the right hand side
\[\dot{\theta_D} = \bar{R}^{-1}f(\theta_D)\\ \dot{R_D} =G(\bar{\theta}) - R_D\] - Study the stability properties of this differential equation.
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