Application of General Recursive Framcework to Linear Regression Model
Application to Linear Regression Models
Here, we will discuss how a general framework of Recursive System Identification ( (Part I, Part II, Part III) can be appliced to a very special case: when the predcition is linear in parameters \(\theta\).
The Model Set
The linear prediction can be written as
\[\begin{align} \hat{y}(t\vert \theta)=g_\mathscr{M}(\theta;t,z^{t-1})=\phi^T(t)\theta+\mu(t), \label{eq:linear_model} \end{align}\]where \(\phi(t)\) is a \(d\times p\)-dimensional matrix function of \(t\) and \(z^{t-1}\), \(\theta\) is a \(d\times 1\) column vector and \(\mu(t)\) is a knwon \(p\times 1\) column vector function of \(t\) and \(z^{t-1}\).
Sometimes we use the model \(\begin{align} \hat{y}(t\vert \theta)=\theta^T\phi(t)+\mu(t), \label{eq:linear_model_mp} \end{align}\) which is different to \(\eqref{eq:linear_model}\). Here \(\theta\) is an \(n'\times p\)-matrix and \(\phi(t)\) is an \(n' \times 1\)-column vector function of \(t\) and \(z^{t-1}\). The \(k\)-th row of \(\eqref{eq:linear_model_mp}\), \(\hat{y}_k(t\vert \theta)=\theta_k^T\phi(t)+\mu_k(t),\) where \(\hat{y}_k(t\vert \theta)\) is the \(k\)-th component of \(\hat{y}\) and \(\theta_k\) is the \(k\)-th column of \(\theta\). This is a linear regression model with paramter vecotor \(\theta_k\) and it is independent to other rows. Thus we can treat this model as a collection of \(p\) indenpendent linear regressions with same regression vector \(\phi(t)\).
[Example 1: Linear Difference Equations]
Consider a linear difference equations with \(p\)-dimensional output and \(r\)-dimensional input \(u(t)\), \(\begin{align} y(t)+A_1y(t-1) + \dots + A_n y(t-n) = B_1u(t-1)+\dots+B_m u(t-m)+v(t) \label{eq:linear_difference} \end{align}\) Where \(A_i\) are \(p\times p\) unkown matrices, \(B_k\) are \(p\times r\) unkown matrices and \(v(t)\) is a \(p\)-dimensional disturbance term which is usually either of unspecified character or supposed to be a sequence of indenpendent random vectors each of zero mean. A reasonable predictor is given by \(\hat{y}(t\vert \theta)= \theta^T \phi(t),\) with \(\theta^T= \begin{pmatrix} A_1 & \dots & A_n & B_1 & \dots & B_m \end{pmatrix}\\ \phi^T(t)=\begin{pmatrix} -y^T(t-1) & \dots & -y^T(t-n) & u^T(t-1) & \dots & u^T(t-m) \end{pmatrix}.\) where \(\theta^T\) is a \(p\times (np+mr)\)-matrix.
[Example 1b: Comcrete Example]
\(p=2,n=2,r=1,m=1\): \(\hat{y}(t\vert \theta)= \begin{bmatrix} -y_1(t-1) & -y_2(t-1) & 0 & 0 & -y_1(t-2) & -y_2(t-2) & 0 & 0 & u_1(t-1) & 0\\ 0 & 0 & -y_1(t-1) & -y_2(t-1) & 0 & 0 & -y_1(t-2) & -y_2(t-2) & 0 & u_1(t-1) \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a_{11}^{(1)} \\ a_{12}^{(1)} \\ a_{21}^{(1)} \\ a_{22}^{(1)} \\ a_{11}^{(2)} \\ a_{11}^{(2)} \\ a_{21}^{(2)} \\ a_{22}^{(2)} \\ b_{11}^{(2)} \\ b_{21}^{(2)} \\ \end{bmatrix}\) where \(A_k=(a_{ij}^{(k)})\), \(B_k=(b_{ij}^{(k)})\).
THe gradient of the model in \(\eqref{eq:linear_model}\) is given by \(\left [ \frac{d}{d\theta} \hat{y}(t\vert \theta) \right ]= \psi(t).\) For linear differnece euations, the stability region is easy to demtermine because only have finite past \(y(t)\) and \(u(t)\), \(D_s = \mathbb{R}^d.\)
The Recursive Prediction Error Algorithm
The general framework of recursive identification can be directlyo applied to model in \(\eqref{eq:linear_model}\) \(\begin{align} &\varepsilon(t) = y(t)-\phi^T(t)\hat{\theta}(t-1)-\mu(t) \\ &\hat{\Lambda}(t) = \hat{\Lambda}(t-1) + \alpha(t)[\varepsilon(t)\varepsilon^T(t) - \hat{\Lambda}(t-1)]\\ &R(t)=R(t-1)+\alpha(t)[\phi(t)\Lambda^{-1}\phi^T(t) - R(t-1)]\\ &\hat{\theta}(t) = \hat{\theta}(t-1) + \alpha(t) R^{-1}(t) \psi(t) \Lambda^{-1} \varepsilon(t) \end{align}\)
Approximate Gradient: The instrumental Variable Method
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